Bienvenue sur le blog

Conçu avec comme objectif de venir en aide de manière concrète au peuple palestinien, le blog se verra ajouter des liens vers des associations humanitaires qui oeuvrent en faveur du peuple palestinien et spécialement de l'enfance palestinienne et de l'éducation et de la culture. J'espère que vous prendrez plaisir à lire les poèmes et que vous en profiterez pour découvrir les nombreux projets menés. Je recherche des poèmes écrits en français en relation avec la Palestine.

samedi 8 avril 2017

New Suggestions

New Suggestions
Out of what lair did the earthly tyrants escape?
Nero burned Rome twice, then composed a discordant tune
he went on playing till the city sang with him.
Holako who inherited that melody
set fire
to the world's library, the river ran
with ink, and from the ashes was born
the language of the locusts which rose
to thank the madman.
After the salutations to madness, Hitler came
(..) but unable to be appeased,
had to include the sea
in his vital destruction,
and war at sea, turmoil on land,
combined in their angry conflagration.
I too have seen a tyrant-
whose power diminished the other three.
he has committed every atrocity,
and yet: in his day,
there were five poets,
who took to silence. 
(Ahmed Dahbour)

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